18 Sep 2023

A Right to Culture: what Scotland’s new Human Rights Bill will mean for you

Organised by: Creative Lives



Online information session with the Scottish Government, exploring how Scotland’s new Human Rights Bill could impact creative groups.

Scotland already has a strong human rights culture and a constitutional settlement which embeds key civil and political rights at the heart of Scotland’s democratic institutions. But some internationally recognised rights are not currently a feature of UK or Scottish domestic law.


The Bill set to be introduced to Parliament in the near future will seek to ensure fundamental economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights are incorporated into Scots Law for the first time.

As the voice for Scotland’s volunteer and community led creative cultural groups, Creative Lives wants to explore what a new right to culture will mean for participation, and make suggestions to Government about the practical steps required to make these new rights a reality.

Join our free online discussion to learn more and be part of the conversation.