The Place Based Exchange (PBE) Group, which was formed in 2019, brings together national bodies that focus on place-based improvements in their work, and the implementation of The Place Principle.
Senior representatives from PBE Group members meet quarterly to learn, exchange and network. The key objectives are:
- To improve understanding of each other’s programmes;
- To learn from each other’s successes and challenges; and
- To collectively inform and influence policy and practice.
Quarterly meetings typically feature one or two external speakers, open discussion on priority themes of interest, and member updates.
Recent areas of focus in 2024/25 include policy and practice developments around community led regeneration, climate change adaptation and mitigation, learning from failure, local place plans, place-based partnership working, and funding challenges in the public and voluntary sectors.
The current membership comprises:
Corra Foundation (co-convener)
SURF – Scotland’s Regeneration Forum (co-convener)
- Built Environment Forum Scotland (co-convener)
Architecture & Design Scotland
Coalfields Regeneration Trust (Scotland)
Community Renewal Trust
Creative Scotland
Foundation Scotland
Inspiring Scotland
National Lottery Community Fund
- Planning Aid Scotland
Poverty Alliance
Scottish Community Development Centre
Sistema Scotland
Volunteer Scotland
Collaborations & Contacts
In addition to quarterly meetings, the PBE Group occasionally collaborates on the delivery of public events, publications and consultation responses.
These include the 2021 report, Working Better Together in Place: Lessons and Opportunities for Place-Based Working, and a collaborative approach to responding to the Scottish Government consultation on Local Governance (Democracy Matters Phase Two) and the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development, both in 2024.
The PBE Group is currently co-convened by the Corra Foundation’s Gordon McLean (gordon@corra.scot), SURF’s Euan Leitch (euan@surf.scot) and BEFS’ Derek Rankine (derekr@befs.org.uk). Please contact one of the co-conveners for further information.