Goathill Housing and Care Home Project

Stornoway, Isle of Lewis

What is the aim of the project?
To deliver affordable housing, housing with extra care, and a residential care home hub.

Where is it taking place?
In the Goathill area of Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis.

What has been achieved?
The Goathill project was an ambitious initiative to meet the varying needs of the island’s population, with particular emphasis on the elderly. The development delivered a 52 bed residential care home, 50 housing with extra care flats at Bremner Court, 58 homes for social rent, and 16 Homes for sale through the shared equity scheme at Sinclair Avenue.

The new 52 bed care home allowed for the closing of an older care home and rehoming of residents to a brand new facility with better equipment. The 50 housing with extra care flats were aimed at two different target groups. 15 flats on the ground floor were aimed at reablement flats for residents with short term high needs, and the other 35 flats were aimed at addressing ageing population needs and allowing the residents to live in a communal living space. The 74 affordable homes addressed a high waiting list in Stornoway for social rented homes.

The enabling works for the entire site and the construction of the care home and housing with extra care flats were carried out by McLaughlin & Harvey, whilst the construction of the 74 affordable homes were carried out by local firm O’Mac Construction. The ongoing maintenance of the buildings, homes and grounds is providing much needed income and employment opportunities to local contractors.

The grounds and the facilities have improved the look of the area. As the Outer Hebrides is very windy, research into courtyard geometry ensured the provision of sheltered, attractive, useable garden and recreation spaces. There is also a larger recreation area to the north of the site, which has been designed to aid in giving the residents green liveable space.

Who is running it?
Developed by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the Western Isles Health and Social Care Partnership, Western Isles Integrated Joint Board and Hebridean Housing Partnership.

Why did the judging panel like it?
The judges were impressed by the ambition of the project, and the overall enthusiasm, collaboration and partnership approach to delivery shone
through at every level. The project successfully incorporates a range of tenures, including affordable housing and provision for people with additional care needs, to create a whole new neighbourhood. The judges reflected that the development felt settled and complete, incorporating design features which complemented the existing environment and island style. The wider community benefits achieved through procurement were also evident including shared apprenticeship schemes, improved road infrastructure and additional space for play.

The accommodation for care had been designed based on a firm foundation of research and frontline engagement. The result includes personalised spaces for the delighted residents and much improved working  environments for staff, leading to healthier and happier lives and a real positive addition for the wider Islands provision.

Where can I find out more?

Website: https://youtu.be/aJb84bhTlcw

Contact: John Maciver, Director of Operations, Hebridean Housing Partnership

Tel: 0300 123 0773

Email: johnmaciver@hebrideanhousing.co.uk