Over 2013-14, the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee has been conducting an inquiry into ‘The Delivery of Regeneration in Scotland’.

The report was formally launched via public events in Glasgow and Aberdeen.
The purpose of the inquiry, which was informed by written and verbal evidence from SURF produced after consultation with our members, was to consider and report on: “the financing and delivery of local government and local services, and planning, and matters relating to regeneration falling within the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment.” Professor Ian Wall, Director and former Chair of SURF, was appointed as Adviser to the Committee for the inquiry’s duration.
The inquiry report was published this morning. The overall conclusion, according to the Committee’s Convener Kevin Stewart MSP, is that regeneration partners “are not placing enough emphasis on true community participation, particularly in the design stage.” He also said the Committee Members were, “disappointed in the lack of central responsibility for oversight and co-ordination of regeneration activity and consider there to be a key role for Government in driving this forward.”
The recommendations chime strongly with SURF’s two founding principles: that the intended beneficiaries of a community regeneration process must be meaningfully involved in its conception and implementation; and that regeneration activities must be driven by a holistic and inclusive approach.

SURF Chief Executive Andy Milne contributed to the inquiry’s evidence sessions.
SURF’s evidence features frequently in the report, including to highlight the following issues: regeneration funding streams being “too complex and inaccessible” for many stakeholders; funding for community led regeneration failing to meet levels of demand; Community Planning Partnerships not doing enough to tailor mainstream services to disadvantaged communities; calls for a greater use of mental wellbeing measurements in the monitoring and evaluation of regeneration investments; and public procurement policies not being adequately aligned with national objectives around the development of sustainable communities.
Please click on the links below to access the report:
Summary Version
Delivery of Regeneration in Scotland (20 pages)
Full Report
Delivery of Regeneration in Scotland (180 pages)