Due to the impacts of Coronavirus the events did not take place in 2020. Projects provided presentations and notes to share learning from their journey.

Workshop outcomes

Shared Learning Report

A summary report of the presentations and discussions from four shared learning workshops held in May 2020.

Workshop Presentations

Achieving wider community regeneration outcomes through housing led approaches

This workshop brought two of the shortlisted projects from the Housing and Regeneration category together; with additional input from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and Urban Union. Unfortunately, Wheatley Group withdrew from providing materials at this time but a short summary of the project will be included in the Shared Learning Report.


Glenurquhart Care Project

Presented By: Glenurquhart Care Project

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Fraser Avenue (Kingdom HA)

Presented By: Fraser Avenue (Kingdom HA)

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Presented By: SFHA

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Urban Union

Presented By: Urban Union

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Transferable lessons for place-based regeneration

This workshop brought both winners from the Community Led and Scotland’s Most Improved Place categories; with additional input from the Scottish Government, Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.


Ochiltree Community Hub

Presented By: Ochiltree Community Hub

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Calton Barras

Presented By: Calton Barras

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Scottish Government – Place Team

Presented By: Scottish Government – Place Team

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Scotland’s Towns Partnership

Presented By: Scotland’s Towns Partnership

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Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Presented By: Highlands and Islands Enterprise

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Successful methods of supporting young people to overcome barriers to employment

This workshop brought all three projects shortlisted in the Youth Employability category together; with additional input from Skills Development Scotland and the Scottish Government.


Achieving the Right Transferable Skills for Todays Job Market!

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Community Renewal Trust’s Employment Safety Net

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Young Enterprise Scotland: Pathways Programme

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Skills Development Scotland

Presented By: Skills Development Scotland

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Scottish Government – Employability Team

Presented By: Scottish Government – Employability Team

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How can embedding artistic approaches enable communities to become agents for change?

This workshop brought all three projects shortlisted in the Creative Regeneration category together; with additional input from Creative Scotland. Unfortunately, the Scottish Government Culture Team withdrew from providing content for the event.



Presented By: WHALE Arts

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The Glasgow Barons

Presented By: The Glasgow Barons

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Inverness Creative Academy

Presented By: Inverness Creative Academy

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Creative Scotland

Presented By: Creative Scotland

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