Peterhead Alliance for Action

The large Aberdeenshire town of Peterhead (population: 19k) joined the SURF Alliance for Action programme in January 2023, when Linda Hendry was appointed as SURF’s Local Facilitator.

Since taking up the role, Linda has provided practical support towards the development of multiple local projects that align with community demands to improve the town centre and the lives of local residents.

A selection of the local project activity that SURF supports follow. These are just some of the initiatives that Linda is working with in her first 18 months in post (last updated: June 2024).

Get in touch with Linda at Find out more about the Alliance for Action progamme here.

Project Support Examples

SeaFest – This is a major North East Seafood Festival, most recently held in Peterhead Harbour on Saturday 9 September 2023.  The event could not have happened at significant scale without SURF’s support, as our Local Facilitator convened the SeaFest Peterhead steering group, featuring representatives from the community, businesses, stakeholders and public partners, and dealt with funders, suppliers and contracts.

The free-to-attend event, promoted to tourists and families, celebrates Peterhead’s port industries and fishing heritage. The 2023 iteration included a busy seafood market, live and interactive cooking demonstrations, local celebrity appearances, live music, children’s activities, educational exhibits, product showcases, seafood tastings and beverage sample stalls by local and regional food and drink producers, and information and engagement stalls from community and voluntary groups.

The event, pictured above, was a big success, attracting hundreds of visitors and generating positive outcomes for industry, tourism, community engagement and heritage. It was highlighted in local and national media. The steering group remains in place and plans are underway to repeat the event in September 2025, and every two years after that.

Town Board – Supporting the creation of a Town Board with Aberdeenshire Council, which will oversee a planned £20m UK Government regeneration investment in Peterhead over the next ten years;

Peterhead Together for Good – Helping an emerging group to establish itself as an umbrella body for community led activity in the town centre;

Peterhead Area Community Trust – Capacity building and project support for the community group, which manages a park and green space in the town centre, and have wider plans;

Peterhead Development Partnership – Contributing to the work programme and project planning of an Aberdeenshire Council led forum, which is managing a number of initiatives aimed at bringing vacant buildings back into use. The Partnership is undertaking a major “Peterhead 2040” strategic plan, which SURF is managing consultation elements of, including and public events;

Men’s United – Business plan and premise development support for the social regeneration charity, which is creating a free gym for service users;

Peterhead Sailing Club – Supporting a Coastal Communities Fund feasibility study and project plan to maximise the potential for the Club to expand their current offering for community and event activity;

Poverty Hub – Working with Aberdeen Foyer and other players to create a service hub, with priority plans to raise awareness of food banks, healthy eating workshops and growing spaces;

Social Enterprise Development – Engaging with social enterprise support agency CEiS, who have offered pro bono assistance to several local enterprises and initiatives;

SSE Thermal Communities Fund – Engaging with local groups to promote consultation and emerging funding opportunities as part of a new programme provided by the energy company for community benefits.