This month, Living Streets are launching their Walking Connects Case Studies, documenting the successes and challenges encountered by their project participants taking action for age-inclusive streets and spaces.
The case studies highlight a continuing need to work to improve understanding of the impact of poor quality streets and public spaces on older people’s ability to stay active and connected through walking, as well as recognising that older people can often feel their needs are less important and so can be hesitant to ask for improvements that can make all the difference.
Their project participants led on changes that made walking easier not just for themselves, but for other local residents, and are a great example of how to go about getting better local streets for walking. A real testament to their tenaciousness!
Living Streets also worked with project participants to co-produce the Guide to Getting Better Streets, which they hope will inspire more older people and their supporters to take action locally for necessary and often small-scale street improvements that can make walking easier.
Both the Case Studies and Guide are now available from Living Streets website.
Living Streets are keen to identify some new partners who would like to help us test the guide, and always happy to explore opportunities to work with partners for more inclusive, age friendly streets. Please Contact Penny Morriss ( if you would like to know more about this work and our other current projects.