Brief for the provision of professional services for the undertaking of a charrette and community master plan focused on Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes.

Please find a link below to the above titled tender document from the Wester Hailes Community Trust supported by the Scottish Government Making Places fund.

The Wester Hailes Community Trust is seeking applications to tender from suitably experienced organisations/ agencies to provide a design led team that can deliver a community led design process including a 5 day charrette programme focused on community planning priorities for the Westside Plaza.  As well as organising and delivering the charrette, the successful team will be responsible for producing the resulting masterplan for the Westside Plaza as a tool that can be used by the community in future discussions and actions for this area.  

Full information and recommended schedules can be found in the tender document.

WHCT Making Places Design brief – tender document

If you or any colleagues are interested in this opportunity or for any enquiries please respond directly to the Wester Hailes Community Trust at by 19 March.