SURF launched its manifesto in January with nine policy recommendations for the next Scottish Government. Click here to view it.
SURF is not, however, the only organisation to publish a regeneration-related manifesto for the 2016 Scottish Parliament elections.
Here are some other key bodies involved in regeneration projects, economic development and social justice that are urging politicians to develop new policies in the next Scottish Parliament:
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland (CILIPS)
CILIPS is the leading professional body and independent charity for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers. It aims to promote the work of the sector and to ensure the voice of its members is heard.
CILIPS’ manifesto, A Manifesto for Libraries, is available here.
CoSLA is the representative voice of Scotland’s unitary local authorities, which lobbies on behalf of its members, including 28 (out of 32) Local Authorities.
CoSLA’s Manifesto for a Stronger Democracy, #ChooseLocal, was published in March and is available here.
Crisis is a UK charity which aids single homeless people, by helping them rebuild their lives through housing, health, education and employment services. The charity also campaigns to prevent homelessness.
Crisis’ manifesto, Manifesto to End Homelessness in Scotland, is available here.
The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS)
EIS is the largest teaching union in Scotland and also the oldest of its kind in the world. The organisation is committed to high standards of education and to a society which offers young people the best opportunities in education, training as well as social and cultural development.
EIS’ manifesto, Standing Up For Scottish Education, is available here.
Engender is a Scottish charitable organisation which works to advance equality between women and men with a vision for equal opportunities in life, equal access to resources and power, and equal safety and security from harm.
Engender’s manifesto, Gender Matters: ‘Twenty for 2016’, is available here.

FSB, 2016.
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
The FSB is the UK’s largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and small business owners, as well as providing business support for members.
Their manifesto, Resilient Economies, Resilient Communities, is available here.
Naomi Eisenstadt
Naomi Eisenstadt is a child poverty expert who was appointed as the Independent Advisor on Poverty & Inequality advisor by the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in June 2015. Eisenstadt published a report in January 2016 named ‘Shifting the curve – a report for the First Minister’ which includes fifteen recommendations, some of which chime strongly with those presented in SURF’s Manifesto.
The report and recommendations are available here.

Transform Scotland, 2016.
A Joint Manifesto for Active Travel (CTC Scotland, Cycling Scotland, Living Streets Scotland, Paths for All, Ramblers Scotland, Sustrans Scotland, Transform Scotland)
Several organisations that promote active travel in different ways have teamed up to produce a joint manifesto (to find out more about them, click on the organisation titles above).
This manifesto, Scotland on the Move, is available here.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF)
The JRF is an independent organisation working to understand the root causes of social problems, and demonstrate practical solutions for lasting change through research, policy and practice.
The JRF manifesto, A Scotland Without Poverty, is available here.

Image from GalGael, a project based in Govan in Glasgow which works with marginalised members of the community. Oxfam Scotland, 2016.
Oxfam Scotland
Oxfam is an international charity focused on improving the lives of the world’s poorest, at home and abroad. They are involved in a wide variety of projects such as providing emergency aid, instigating long-term community projects and campaigning for lasting change.
The Oxfam Scotland manifesto, Even It Up, is available here.
Reform Scotland
Reform Scotland is an independent public policy institute which works to advocate greater economic prosperity and more effective public services.
Reform Scotland’s 2016 Manifesto is available here.
RTPI Scotland
The Royal Town Planning Institute is the leading professional membership body and advocate for planning and the planning profession in the UK. The RTPI Scotland’s work includes engaging with the Scottish Government and Parliament, informing policy and practice, and providing professional development opportunities.
The RTPI Scotland manifesto, Building a Successful and Sustainable Scotland, is available here.
Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI)
The SCDI is an independent and broad-based economic development network which seeks to influence and inspire Government and key stakeholders with an ambitious vision to create sustainable economic growth for Scotland.
The SCDI manifesto, From Fragile to Agile: A Blueprint for Growth and Prosperity, is available here.
Social Enterprise Scotland
Social Enterprise Scotland is an independent, membership-led organisation uniting social enterprises, organisations which exist to deliver social and/or environmental objectives. Social Enterprise Scotland promotes social enterprise by actively engaging with partners across the social enterprise movement, as well as central and local Government.
Social Enterprise Scotland’s manifesto, For the Good of Everyone, is available here.
Scotland’s Towns Partnership
Scotland’s Towns Partnership is Scotland’s largest towns’ collective, representing and promoting the diversity of our towns and places, and supporting those organisations and groups that have an interest in or ownership of them.
Scotland’s Towns Partnership’s Manifesto Statement for Scotland’s Towns is available here.
Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform
The Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform was created in 2006 to highlight concerns over the UK Government’s Welfare Reform proposals- it continues to do this today through proactively responding to Government policy and legislation consultations. The Campaign is coordinated by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, with the support of One Parent Families Scotland, The Poverty Alliance and a range of other organisations.
The Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform’s Holyrood Manifesto 2016 is available here.

SCVO, 2016
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)
The SCVO is the membership organisation for Scotland’s charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. It acts to promote the interests and shared values of its members.
The SCVO’s 2016 Holyrood Manifesto is available here.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA)
The SFHA aims to lead, represent and support Scotland’s housing associations & co-operatives. The organisation is focused on addressing housing quality, rental income, sustainable tenancies and communities and meeting housing need.
The SFHA manifesto has not formally been released on their website, but a summary is available here.
Scottish Women’s Convention
With a network of over 300,000 women from relevant organisations across Scotland, the Scottish Women’s Convention (SWC) communicates and consults with women nationally to influence public policy.
The Scottish Women’s Convention manifesto, A Manifesto for Women, was released on the 5th of March and is available here.

The Planner, 2016.
Shelter Scotland
Shelter Scotland is a charity which works to alleviate the distress caused by homelessness and poor housing through providing advice and advocacy for those in need and campaigning for lasting solutions to the housing crisis.
The Shelter Scotland manifesto, Manifesto for Homes 2016, is available here.
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, 2016.
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) is a diverse coalition of organisations in Scotland campaigning together on climate change. Their efforts are currently focused on working to ensure that Scotland meets the targets set out in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.
The Stop Climate Chaos manifesto, Securing a Low Carbon Scotland for 2020 and Beyond, is available here.
Transform Scotland
Transform Scotland is a charity which promotes the use of all modes of sustainable transport, by campaigning for all travel needs to be met within an environmentally sustainable, socially inclusive and economically responsible transport system.
The Transform Scotland manifesto, What We Want for Scottish Transport, is available here.
Still to be released…
Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS)
In Glasgow, GCVS is the primary development agency and advocate for voluntary and community organisations. The organisation is also a key partner in Glasgow’s Third Sector Interface, which represents the third sector in Glasgow and engages with the Scottish Government.
The GCVS manifesto is due to be released in April.
This page will be updated as further manifestos are launched. Would you like your organisation’s manifesto added to this list? Please contact SURF Research & Admin Assistant Jacqueline Stables at with details.