As part of the Salt of the Earth Heritage Connections Project we were keen to try and capture memories of how people in Preston Seton and Gosford have experienced the lockdown. Everyone has been directly affected – and while some of the impacts have been extremely difficult – and in some cases with the loss of life, there are also other positive stories of resilience and of our communities making the very best of a bad situation.

So we formed a group as part of our Salt of the Earth facebook page and asked for contributions. Pictured is an example of the stories, memories and initiatives people have shared.

Memory Map Competition (a joint project between the Cockenzie Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS), Tranent CARS, Salt of the Earth heritage connections project and the Port Seton community centre)

We were also keen to see how young people are experiencing this lockdown period, and in particular how their perceptions of their local area may have changed as a result of it.  We launched a memory mapping competition across Preston, Seton, Gosford and Fa’side – inspired by a map created by a local 6 year old named Samson (pictured below). We are encouraging children across the area to make their own map, using any medium they like. We have asked them to detail what places they like to explore, what areas or buildings they may find interesting and also to demonstrate what might have changed recently, for example less cars about or more people exercising. We will be sharing as many as we can online, as well as in local community centres.

(Update provided by East Lothian Council)