First Minister for Scotland Nicola Sturgeon has announced her new Cabinet making enhancing Scotland’s education system and improving opportunities for young people a top priority.
Below is a list off the new Cabinet Ministers and a brief overview of their responsibilities.
First Minister: Nicola Sturgeon MSP
Head of the Scottish Government: responsible for development, implementation and presentation of Government policy, constitutional affairs, and for promoting and representing Scotland.
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills: John Swinney MSP
Government Strategy, Delivery and outcomes across portfolios, Resilience, School standards, Educational attainment and closing the attainment gap, National Improvement Framework, Quality and improvement, Teaching profession, School infrastructure and staffing, Qualifications, Behaviour, Measures to combat bullying, The Gaelic and Scots languages, Modern languages, Historical Abuse Inquiry, Named person, Cross Government co-ordination of Public Service Reform, Childcare implementation, Early years, Child protection, Social services workforce, Adoption and Fostering, Children’s rights, Looked after children, Children’s hearings, Protection of vulnerable groups, Children’s services, Widening Access, Higher education and universities, Further education and colleges, Student funding, Science and STEM, Youth work, Skills Development Scotland, Implementation of Wood recommendations.
Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Constitution: Derek Mackay MSP
Scottish Budget, Fiscal policy, Taxation, Budgetary monitoring and reporting, Scottish Public Finances and their sustainability, Public sector pay and pensions, Scottish Futures Trust, Efficient government, Public Bodies Policy, National Performance Framework, Registers of Scotland, Government procurement, Digital Public Services, Constitution.
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport: Shona Robison MSP
NHS, Elective centres, Health care and social integration, Carers, Adult care and support, Implementing 2020 Vision and National Clinical Strategy, Patient services, NHS staff and pay, Problem alcohol use and recovery, Healthy working lives, National service planning, NHS performance, Acute services, Sporting events and legacy, Patient safety, Quality strategy, Public health, Health protection, Sport and physical activity, Primary care, Mental health, Allied healthcare services, Dentistry, Sexual health, medical records, Health improvement, Drugs policy, Child and maternal health.
Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform: Roseanna Cunningham MSP
Climate Change, Flood prevention, water quality, Land reform, Physical and marine environment, Sustainable development, Biodiversity, Natural heritage, Environmental protection, Environmental and climate justice, National parks, Scottish Water.
Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs: Fiona Hyslop MSP
Culture and the arts, Broadcasting, Architecture, Built heritage, National identity, Cross government co-ordination on bringing major events to Scotland, National records, Fair trade, Tourism, International development, Cross-government co-ordination on European Union and international relations, Scottish diaspora.
Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities: Angela Constance MSP
Welfare policy, Community empowerment, Devolution to Communities and Reform of Local Government, Equalities, Religious and faith organisations, Protection and development of Social and Human Rights, Third sector and social economy, Democratic renewal, Local government, Housing, Homelessness, Community planning, Planning, Business improvement districts, Town centres, Building standards, Social security, Implementation of new powers, Measures against poverty, Disabilities, Older people.
Cabinet Secretary for Justice: Michael Matheson MSP
The Justice system, Criminal Law procedure, Civil law, Police, Fire and Rescue services, Legal profession, Violence reduction, Anti-sectarianism, Courts, Sentencing, Security, Human rights, Access to justice, Community safety, Anti-social behaviour, Prisons and prisoners, Female offenders, Criminal justice social work, Victims and witnesses, Reducing reoffending, Youth justice, Liquor licensing.
Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work: Keith Brown MSP
The Scottish Economy, Infrastructure Investment Policy, Scottish Enterprise, Trade & Inward Investment, Innovation, internationalisation, increasing productivity, Fair work and inclusive growth, Labour market strategy, Living wage, European Structural funds, Infrastructure Investment Policy, Consumer advocacy and advice, Employment policy, Trades Unions, Bankruptcy policy and Accountant in Bankruptcy (AIB), Business, Industry and Manufacturing, Cities, Energy and energy consent, Regional Economic Forums, Life sciences, Financial services, Low carbon economy, Renewable energy industries,Youth and Women’s Employment, Employability programmes
Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity: Fergus Ewing MSP
Rural Scotland, Highlands Islands Enterprise, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Food and drink, Crofting, Transport, Connectivity including 100 per cent broadband.
An announcement of Junior Ministers followed:
Minister for Childcare and Early Years
Mark McDonald
Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science
Shirley-Anne Somerville
Minister for Parliamentary Business
Joe FitzPatrick
Minister for Transport and the Islands
Humza Yousaf
Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy
Paul Wheelhouse
Minister for Employability and Training
Jamie Hepburn (Reporting to cabinet secretaries for economy and education)
Minister for Public Health and Sport
Aileen Campbell
Minister for Mental Health
Maureen Watt
Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs
Annabelle Ewing
Minister for Local Government & Housing
Kevin Stewart
Minister for Social Security
Jeane Freeman
Minister for International Development and Europe
Alasdair Allan
SURF wish all of those appointed every success in their new or continued roles and look forward to future discussions with you.